The two great goals in a Christian´s life
Skjulte Skatter, published in November 1957
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1. Constant victory over all conscious sin. We have our sins forgiven if we believe that Christ died for our sins and if we forgive everyone from our heart who has transgressed against us.
By faith we also gain victory over all conscious sin; namely, by believing that our old man was crucified with Christ (Romans 6:6), or as it is stated in Galatians 2:20: “I am crucified with Christ …”
By believing this, we die to sinning, to all conscious sin so that instead of committing sin, we remain a conqueror in every temptation.
How glorious it is always to live with a good conscience toward God and men!
Paul writes, “Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ …” 2 Corinthians 2:14.
Unfortunately, most people have most certainly not reached this temporary, glorious goal in their life. There are two specific and good reasons for it:
a. A person simply does not want to forsake everything of his own and die with Christ. This eliminates the opportunity of obtaining this glorious life of victory.
b. He absolutely does not believe that he is crucified with Christ and neither can he believe it if he is not willing to forsake everything of his own. God does not give us faith for something that we do not agree to.
If a person really, and in truth, wants to walk on the way in Jesus’ steps, he also receives faith to walk on it. Glory to God!
2. By increasing in the light of life; by exposing unconscious sin and putting it off; by growing in goodness.
This is the same as increasingly being transformed in our inner man; it is the same as increasingly partaking of the divine nature.
Here there is no limited goal for us; however, there is, so to speak an unlimited opportunity. Then the goal is: maximum growth and transformation!
For the same reason, we have a genuine, continuous interest in all the fruits of the Spirit and all the virtues of Christ to the utmost extent and depth possible.
Paul says, “We believe, therefore we speak.” (2 Corinthians 4:13.) We speak about what we believe. There is a specific reason for not speaking about it at all: One does not believe it.
There is this to be said about points 1 and 2: Wishes and dreams are useless, also, more or less half-hearted attempts. They are utterly in vain! The only thing that is of use, that is effective, is having a living faith in the work of God and of Christ and in the word that speaks especially clearly and firmly and decisively about this matter; it speaks about almost nothing else! Read, think, and believe!